The Pet Professional Guild Vision
A world where people and pets can live together to their mutual benefit and where pets can live and function free from physical and mental pain, stress and fear as valued family members.
The Pet Professional Guild Mission
Our mission is to help make every pet a valued member of its family and improve the relationship and the quality of life people share with their pets by;
- Providing the greatest value and highest quality, state-of-the-art, force-free, scientific based pet training and pet care for each clients.
- We will always demonstrate integrity, compassion and an uncompromising commitment to excellence in the care and support of clients and their pets.
- We will continually expand our knowledge and improve our skills to serve our clients as a valuable resource, providing the most innovative pet training and pet care possible.
- We pledge to use our knowledge and skills for the benefit of pets and their owners.
- To practice within the pet care industry conscientiously with dignity and in keeping with the principles of The Pet Professional Guild.
- We accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of professional knowledge and competence.
- We are committed to the highest professional and ethical standards in any business practices and in the approach to pet training and pet care.
- Customers will always be treated with respect, kindness and caring.
- To work openly and honestly with clients who share these values in their relationship with their pet and who;
- Are committed to educating their pets and learning to truly communicate with them.
- Enjoy working, playing and spending time with their pets.
- Integrate their pets into their family and are willing to teach them how to live in a human society.
- Recognize and understand the value, effectiveness and power of force-free training methods.
- Are dedicated to optimizing the physical, social and mental well-being of their pets.
- First, do no harm:
- Our ethical principles allow for no harm and provide for the well being of each pet.
- Emphasize a 'holistic', force-free approach to pet training and pet care by attending to the physical, emotional, and environmental well being of pets in our care.
- We always hold the pet’s welfare as our top priority. The pet is the vulnerable component in the consultation process as they cannot offer informed consent
- The professionals’ role is one that is beneficial to the pet and never to its detriment. Always seek to do no harm.
- Do not condone or endorse any treatment by a pet’s owner that is physically or mentally cruel. We will opt out of a consulting agreement rather than attempt to manage an unethical course of action.
- We only consult with clients who offer cases that we have the professional competence to deal with.
- We only use procedures, protocols and training tools that are empirically based and have a proven track record.
- We always consider communications with our clients privileged. We will only break that confidentiality if a pet is being abused and the client cannot be dissuaded from using their current approach. We always act according to local and state laws in terms of reporting animal cruelty.
- We recognize that the pets’ owner is responsible for their pet and the owner has the right to make decisions about the professional treatment of their pet.
- Ensure all communications are professional and based in fact. When discussing industry practices, trends or issues, members will limit discussion to practices and consequences, rather than the individuals using them, thereby ensuring informed, professional and civil exchanges that enrich members and the industry of force-free pet professionals
- Apply the following ethical principles to each situation you encounter:
- Respect for the freedom and dignity of others
- Do no harm
- Do good
- Act fairly
- Be faithful to promises made
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